
Shanghai Electric Tianchang Biomass Power Generation Project
The project location: Tianchang, Anhui Province.The main raw materials for power generation are various types of straw, branches, and other forestry and agricultural residues. The demand for rice husks is up to more than 60,000 tons a year, which will consume nearly 80% of rice husks in Tianchang City and bring about an annual income of nearly RMB 70 million for local farmers and transportation and processing industries, gaining better environmental, economic and social benefits

    · Business Mode: BOO

    · Installed Capacity: 30MW

    · Uses approx 300000 tons of straws annually

    · Save the standard coals up to 13.5 tons annually

    · Educes 1,340 tons of SO2 emission annually

    · Educes 270,000 tons of CO2 emission annually