
Top 10 Ranking
2023 Global Developers Ranking
140 t/d
Cumulative Water Yield
60 %
Domestic MED Market Share

Shanghai Electric Water Engineering Company (SWE) has been engaged in continuous technical innovation in core desalination technologies. In the past more than ten years, SWE devoted to the R&D and applications of seawater desalination and industrial wastewater and has the ability to provide services including EPC, BOO, BOT, etc. So far SWE has owned different desalination technologies in the field of seawater, wastewater and boiler feed water such as MED, RO, NF, IX, EDI, CGE MVR and TVR. The total project capacity is up to 1400000 t/d by the end of 2018. In the year 2018, Shanghai Electric was listed in the top 10 project developers of seawater desalination and water reclamation by International Desalination Association (IDA). 2022-2023, 9th Global Contractors on accumulative total project capacity

SWE focuses on R&D for seawater desalination and wastewater treatment technology innovation and engineering application. SWE has made a breakthrough in several key desalination technologies and gained many achievements in intellectual property rights through continuous technical accumulation and improvement. So far SWE has successfully completed and developed 8 professional computation software, 9 databases, 15 experimental platforms, 33 patents and 13 internal company standards.


Contact Us
Shanghai Electric Water Engineering Company
Address:No.621 Longchang Road, Shanghai, China
Post code:200090
Tel: (8621)60703800