
Management Team
Xiao Weihua

Vice President

Mr. Xiao Weihua is currently the Vice President and the Head of the Industrial Development Department of the Company. He formerly served as the Deputy General Manager and Chief Financial Officer of Shanghai Diesel Engine Co., Ltd., the Deputy General Manager, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Director of Shanghai Hino Engine Co., Ltd., the Secretary of the Party Committee, Deputy General Manager, and Director of Shanghai Automation Instrumentation Co., Ltd., the General Manager of the Second Management Department of Shanghai Electric Assets Management Co., Ltd., the Vice President of Shanghai Electric Heavy Industry Group, the General Manager, Executive Director, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Heavy Machinery Plant Co., Ltd., the General Manager of Shanghai Electric Communication Technologies Co., Ltd., the Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Electric Environmental Protection Group, the Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and the President and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Group, the Vice Chairman, President, and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Group Co., Ltd., and the Chairman and President of Shanghai Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Equipment Co., Ltd. Mr. Xiao graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University, holds a Master's degree in business administration from Fudan University and is a Senior Engineer.