
Shanghai Electric Unveils New Website
2020/04/26  EN_上海電氣集團股份有限公司

Shanghai Electric launched its redesigned website on April 17. The new website, under the same domain name, embraces upgrades in look, functions, and positioning. Through a modern interface and intuitive interaction, it aims to render a new viewing experience and shape a new portal for the outside to know about Shanghai Electric.


The customer-oriented B2B website, available in both Chinese and English, features six sections "About Shanghai Electric", "Industry Map", "News and Information", "Investor Relations", "Join Us", and "Contact Us". Targeting marketing and sales, it focuses on "brand communication", "product promotion", and "investor relations". Firstly, a flat design style visually creates a "hi-tech", futuristic atmosphere to catch users' eyes. Secondly, a powerful search function allows users to get what they need quickly and accurately. Thirdly, sharing and subscription functions are added to further optimize user experience. Industry highlights and product introduction of energy equipment, industrial equipment, and integration services, three key pillars of Shanghai Electric, are made the focal points of the new website. It enables customers to conveniently obtain their desired information.

For a greater marketing impact and better customer experience, the new website is linked with Shanghai Electric's WeChat Public Account and Facebook Account, providing visitors multiple choices of access. At the same time, the website can flexibly adapt to all mobile devices and deliver quality and consistent browsing experience.

As an important window for communicating information and building a global image, the website will bring more information and functions, and take customers closer to a colorful Shanghai Electric.